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Showing posts with label christopher-de-leon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christopher-de-leon. Show all posts

Monday, November 7, 2011

Nora Aunor: Sa Ngalan Ending Episode Synopsis on TV-5

nora aunor's sa ngalan ng ina at www.urbanlife-manila.kihtmaine.com

This post contains the episodes 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 of the TV soap opera Sa Ngalan ng Ina, starring Nora Aunor.

After Nora Aunor escaped from the hands of Ian De Leon and Rosanna Roces. A reward was announce for the heads of Ian and Rosanna by the Governor. Because of that announcement Ian always calls Rosanna what are they going to do and if its possible that he can claim the payment, Rosanna advise Ian to stay calm, but, Ian is so frustrated that once he was caught he will drag Rosanna down; on that threat Rosanna told Ian that she will give the payment to him.

Rosanna presented herself to the authority because she is innocent and the allegation that Nora throwing to her is not true. On the night were Rosanna will meet Ian for the payment, Rosanna gave the bag to Ian containing the payment which they talked about; while Ian is checking the content of the bag, Rosanna pulled out her gun and shot Ian, but Ian had a gun and managed to escaped and went directly to Deogracias residence. At the Deogracias premises, Ian ask for forgiveness to Nora and gave a flash disk which contains content of Ian having a transaction to Rosanna.

Now they have a hard evidence that proved Rosanna was the mastermind behind Nora's kidnapped and her torture. At the precint, Nora and Rosanna confronted each other regarding Rosanna's crime; Nora will decline the complain in return Rosanna will asked for her forgiveness, but Rosanna will not asked for forgiveness because of Nora did to her regarding Pepe; Rosanna asked Nora regarding her children was not kidnapped again, this time Elsa was kidnapped. Rosanna made a proposal to Nora that in order Elsa will be released, she need to kill herself. Angelo was on the pursuit of saving Elsa, Carmella told Angelo that they have a vacant property outside the town and there is a possibility that Elsa is there. Rosanna made a phone to the kidnapper, Nora advise the kidnapper to give any sweets because she is diabetic; While they are still on the phone, Angelo already at the scene, the kidnapper was was shot that time; at the precint while Nora will kill herself, when he heard the gunfire and the kidnapper was shot, there is a commotion on Nora's end, Rosanna was shot to the legs and went to prison, while Nora is still alive.

-END of Sa Ngalan Ng Ina-

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Nora Aunor: Sa Ngalan Ng Ina Episodes 18-19-20 on TV-5

nora aunor's sa ngalan ng ina at www.urbanlife-manila.kihtmaine.com

The story of the episodes 18 and 19 covers the torture of Nora Aunor at the hands of Ian and Rosanna.

Ian also confess that he is the one who killed Amang because Amang failed to saved his family from his enemy, he made a pact that he will get his revenge.

The reason why Rosanna is so mad in Nora is because she is after the love of Christopher that she is looking for.

Nora experienced torture from Rosanna like beating her legs and putting her face at the drum.

Also someone at the premises heard the scream of Nora and reported the incident to the Police, Angelo rush to the place if any chance that his mother was there. There is an exchange of gunshot between Ian and the police, Ian was hurt and Nora was saved.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nora Aunor Sa Ngalan Ng Ina Episode 17 on TV-5

nora aunor's sa ngalan ng ina at www.urbanlife-manila.kihtmaine.com

The police sieze all the illegal activities on the province led by Angelo.

At the Illustre premises, Christopher De Leon and Rosanna Roces are arguing that Christopher De Leon is helping Nora; at that time Rosanna sweeps the foot of Christopher De Leon which he fall at the stairs.

Ram, Carmella's friend asked Carmella what is Ian doing at the church and if he is one of the employees of her mother. Carmella said that, he is Nora's bodyguard.

Alfonso officially surrenders.

At the press conference, Nadine went to the room and not feeling well; Nora follows and was shocked because Nadine collapsed with blood on her legs everyone at the room panicks.

Rosanna locked Christopher De Leon on their room.

At the hospital, the doctor confirm to Nora that Nadine experienced a miscarriage and she was crying. All support by Nora to Nadine.

Rosanna talks to Apo that if possible if he can provide him another agent on the side of Nora, she will pay any amount.

Christopher De Leon talk to Carmella to decline the case.


Nora Aunor: Sa Ngalan Ng Ina episode 16 on TV-5

nora aunor's sa ngalan ng ina at www.urbanlife-manila.kihtmaine.com

Alfonso tipped his brother regarding the illegal business in their province, which will affect Rosanna's illegal activities.

Alfonso and his girlfriend went to Nadine to ask for a safe house and financial assistance, Alfonso also says goodbye to his girlfriend.

Nadine talks to Nora that they party wants her back and Nora decline.

Alfonso gave an information to Angelo regarding the human trafficking on their province; suddenly, Alfonso's mobile phone rang, it was Rosanna and asking Alfonso what is his wish just to gain his trust; Alfonso answered that revive his Nana Pacita or his father. Alfonso also give an information to Angelo that there will be a shipment of drugs which will be transported by an ambulance, problem is they don't have informatation on when and where will be delivered.

Christopher De Leon gave details to Nora about the delivery of drugs, time and place. Ian called Rosanna because Nora already know about the schedule of the shipment.

Angelo talks to his men that the operation will push through. Carmella visits Angelo and was worried about her.

The entrapment operation happened, there is an exchange of fire. At the end the drugs where confiscated or sieze by the Police.

Nadine went to a clinic to abort her baby; she changed her mind when she saw the equipment that will be use to her, plus a crucifix was at the wall; irony right? So Nadine went out in a hurry and she slipped on the stairs.

Angelo brought Alfonso his favorite food, Alfonso gone emotionally when he heard that his favorite ever since he was a kid was prepared by Nora. At that moment Alfonso plans to surrender.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Nora Aunor: Sa ngalan ng Ina episode 15 on TV-5

nora aunor's sa ngalan ng ina at www.urbanlife-manila.kihtmaine.com

Rosanna caught both at the church that they are seeing each other; at the Illustre residence the couple had a fight and Rosanna is questionong Christopher still loves her and Christopher only answered that they are not happy anymore and they are staying because of Karel.

Rosanna met again with Ian giving information about Nora; out of the blue Rosanna questions Ian about Nora regarding her personal life to the point that Ian is quite fascinated; he was not used to those kind of question.

Nora was worried about Eugene that she is not yet home and Angelo and Nora went to the office. Nora was shocked because they saw Eugene lying on the floor dead, she was stab.

Alfonso was shocked because Eugene was dead; she is the only person that understand Alfonso.

Angelo made a conclusion about the death of Eugene and Nora told the sibling that the document is missing that can point the Illustre about the factory equipment scam.

Carmela went to the Eugene's funeral; Carmela while is going to talk to Elisa, Elisa suddenly slap Camela because of the Eugene's death. Angelo apologize to Carmella and talk directly to Elisa.

At the burial, Joross went directly to Nadine and telling him that he was sorry about the wedding. Nadine tell Joross that they are finish.

Alfonso threats Rosanna that he will be careful because of Eugene's death.

Nora Aunor: Sa ngalan ng ina episode 14 on TV-5

nora aunor's sa ngalan ng ina at www.urbanlife-manila.kihtmaine.com

When Andrea received the letter which came from her soon to be husband Jorros / Ramoncito; she was devastated because Joross will not show up on their wedding day. Alfonso went after Joross because of the incident at their wedding, to avenge his sister he knocked Joross down on a corner and Alfonso was knock down also by Joross bodayguard. While Nadine is still in shocked about the incident at the church; she found out that she was pregnant, she is carrying Joross baby.

At the Nora's office, some mayors are promising Nora that she get their loyalty and was not involved in the farm equipment scam.

Eugene forgot something in the office so she return; she saw Ian inside and Ian killed her at the same time on this episode, Christopher De Leon's nurse was killed by Rosanna's bodyguard.

Christopher De Leon met again with Nora Aunor and confess that he still loves Nora. The episode shows the history of their tragic relationship. Nora waited on the place that they going to elope and Christopher did not show up because he encountered an accident; hmmm strange how what year is this happened and how come the car was used is in the 90's. Also Christopher confess that she was overwhelmed by money when he was crippled.

Rosanna caught Nora Aunor and Christopher De Leon at the church.

- End -

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Nora Aunor: Sa Ngalan Ng Ina Episode 13

nora aunor's sa ngalan ng ina at www.urbanlife-manila.kihtmaine.com

While Alfonso is pointing his gun to Nora Aunor, Angelo suddenly wake up and begging not to kill his mother; Alfonso suddenly left the hospital. Ian tell Rosanna that the info Nora receive comes from the convent.

Joross is arguing with Nadine about their guest, they're all politicians.

Whlie Eugene Domingo ang Magi are going to the office, they notice that there is a line of people; out of curiosity, she ask what is all about. She was shocked that they are making a drive to impeach Nora and paying them for their signature. The one who initiate the campaign bashed Eugene that she was only a maid and her sister and knock the lady out.

On the wedding day of Nadine, a man approach Nadine with a letter and suddenly Nadine tell the driver to start the car; Joross did show up on their wedding.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Nora Aunor Sa Ngalan Ng Ina Episode 12 On TV-5

nora aunor's sa ngalan ng ina at www.urbanlife-manila.kihtmaine.com

A confrontation between Alfonso and Rosanna, they talk about their illegal business and how Nora Aunor's sanction making them dry when it comes in contribution; Rosanna propose that they will share 50-50, other that that Rosanna told Alfonso she is not the one who assasinate her father.

Nora Aunor is talking to some people regarding on the farm equipment scam that arise, and the persons that are questioned are defending themselves that they are not involved about the scam.

The people that Nora ask about the scam are talking to Apo that they have hard time with Nora Aunor.

Christopher De Leon is having a physical therapy at home.

Nadine Samonte is talking to Nora Aunor, requesting to slow down regarding on the investigation on the farm equipment scam and corruption.

Apo and Rosanna made an agreement that they will oust Nora Aunor on her position as a Governor of the province.

Christopher De Leon called his nurse Manuel to send the document to the convent; containing the papers of farm equipment scam.

Alfonso called her sister Nadine regarding Angelo's situation, Nadine advise her brother Alfonso not to visit him; Alfonso is having nightmares regarding on the incident happened at the Illustre residence.

The Obrero Party which Nora is a member and chairman is having a meeting without her; the agenda is all about ousting Nora on her position. Accidentally Nora visits the office of the party, at the same time the Obrero party is having a meeting; Apo suddenly stop the meeting to give way to Nora's speech; Nora officially declare that she will quit the party.

A sneaky visit made by Alfonso, in order to say sorry to his brother Angelo; at the same time Nora is also visiting, suddenly Alfonso pull out a gun to his pocket and pointed to Nora's face.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Nora Aunor: Sa Ngalan Ng Ina episode 11 on TV-5

nora aunor's sa ngalan ng ina at www.urbanlife-manila.kihtmaine.com

The scene started at the hospital because Angelo is still unconcious. There is also a scene on this in this episode Christopher De Leon fell on his wheelchair when he is trying to reach on his charcoal, Karel and his nurse help after that.

At the Nora's office, Nora Aunor still having a hard time figuring out about their budget for purchasing goods like Rice; Joy is telling Nora that if funds is the issue the previous governor usually drains all the funds, but if they need goods like Rice, the municipality have a surplus and they are all in the warehouse of the Illustre. Nora went directly to the warehouse of the Illustre, Rosanna asked Nora if there is a search warrant and Nora provided her a search warrant; Rosanna blew it, she drag Nora Aunor in the mud.

Nadine is talking to her polive why they turned against her; the police told him that they are not the one who turned against her its only inspector Santos is the one squealed out; while the meeting was adjourned, Jorros comes in, suddenly Nadine said yes to Jorros; Jorros is going to prepare the marriage. At the Illustre premises, Rosanna and Christopher De Leon are arguing about Nora did at the warehouse; Christopher told that the goods that they keep is from the government and when they summon to return the goods, it is their obligation to return it and Rosanna is not agreeing on that.

Alfonso went to his lover's house; planning to stay there.

There is also a scene on this episode that Nora Aunor was interviewed by the media about the issue of her two children.

Andi Manzano is showing her feelings towards Angelo, and Karel come to the room.

Rosanna's bodyguard gave an envelope containing contribution from illegal business and she was not happy about the collection; they only way that they make money is through Christopher De Leon's friends. Rosanna wants to face Alfonso by calling through her mobile phone.

A confront happened between Rosanna and Alfonso.


Friday, October 14, 2011

Nora Aunor: Sa Ngalan Ng Ina Episode 09 on TV 5

nora aunor's sa ngalan ng ina at www.urbanlife-manila.kihtmaine.com

Apo is taling to Rosanna about their plan that did not work, Rosanna is pointing the technician because he is the only one that has the tape, but Apo said that their is a traitor in Rosanna's premises that she needs check. Apo made a press release that he was innocent and nothing to do with the audio recording. Apo is talking to Nora Aunor that he is also a victim and he was used by the opponent.

Rosanna is talking to the phone that she need to kill Apo.

Nadine talk to Police inspector Santos about her plan in escaping Alfonso, Nadine bribed the said inspector.

Ian De Leon heard a news that there is a plotted escape on Alfonso that night; that night Alfonso escaped the hospital.

Nora and Angelo went to the hospital to check Alfonso is ok, but Alfonso is nowhere to be found.

Nora Aunor is already frustrated that she will file a case against Police inspector Santos.

Police inspector Santos called Rosanna Roces that they have a problem; Alfonso did not escape to Manila.

Carmela gave an invite to Angelo's younger sister to her birthday.

A confrontation between Nadine Samonte and Nora Aunor; superb acting by Nora Aunor.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Nora Aunor sa ngalan ng ina episode 8 on TV-5

nora aunor's sa ngalan ng ina at www.urbanlife-manila.kihtmaine.com

The tape already reached the media and they thinking that this would be a big blow for the Governor. Apo is convincing Rosanna to run as a governor of the province at the election.

At the hospital a nurse entered the room of Alfonso for medication, suddenly, the nurse is going to assasinate Alfonso by stabbing him, good thing that it was recovered by the police and the suspect was arrested.

Christopher De Leon summon an individual who is involved in Rosanna's evil plan, and he bribed the person in order to surrender the original tape. There is an announcement made at the radio that the recording that they aired that is against the Governor was a hoax. Rosanna is so frustrated because her plan did not work. Apo called Rosanna regarding on their plan that did not work and threatening Rosanna he will include him about the conspiracy.

Apo went to Nora that he is still on his side, Nora presented a tape and Apo was quite pale when he saw the tape.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Nora Aunor's Sa Ngalan Ng Ina Ep 7 on TV 5

nora aunor's sa ngalan ng ina at www.urbanlife-manila.kihtmaine.com

Angelo is having an argument with his brother Alfonso regarding on his case, and requesting Alfonso to go with him to the precint; but, Alfonso refuse; so, there is a fighting scenes here between the two sibings. Ian De Leon and Nora Aunor are on the hurry of going to their other house because they already know that they are there. The provicial police are already in position to raid the Deogracias premises added to that they where already media; after that fight, Angelo told Alfonso that he was not alone and he was backed by the police. There where already gunfire within the premises. Alfonso ang his gang are plannning to escape the premises.

Because of this, Alfonso was shot; not killed though, Alfonso was rushed to Amang Rodriguez Memorial Hospital to provide medical care. Nadine Samonte went directly to the said hospital to visit Alfonso, at the same time Angelo with the chief of the provincial police thanking Angelo infront of the press about the capture of his brother, which is a fugitive of the law that time. While Nadine Samonte and Angelo are going to Alfonso's room, they are arguing which is more important; law or blood.

At the church, Nora Aunor and Christopher De Leon are talking about their kid's relationship; things are getting shaky though.

At the hospital, Nora Aunor caught Alfonso mingling with a girl; Nora Aunor ignore what she saw and went to Alfonso giving fruits; Alfonso throws the fruits to Nora Aunor.

At the church, Nora Aunor is crying because she was hurt while a nun is giving her advise. At the entrance of the chruch, Christopher De Leon is trying to enter and talk to Nora Aunor; the nun advise her that it is not appropriate to Christopher to talk to him. Rossana received a document from her body guard, and Rosanna Roces is not happy with the result because Alfonso is pain in the neck.

Apo is talking to Nora Aunor for forgiveness and giving him a key to a brand new car as a gift.

Carmela is talking to Angelon that she is not ok about the situation that they are into.

Nora Aunor received a threat letter and Ian advise Nora to ignore the letter.

Apo and Rosanna Roces are talking and making another plot against Nora Aunor.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sa Ngalan Ng Ina Episode 6 on TV 5

Nora Aunor's Sa Ngalan Ng Ina Episode 06 officially airs on October 10 at TV 5

The show started on a heated argument between Nora Aunor and Apo, because of the "gratitude" at the same time, Nora Aunor fired the people who made her as a Governor of Salvacion; there is an exchange of words between the two, that would be a threat. On the other side of the story, Karel Maquez is having a talk to his father, Christopher De Leon regarding on their relationship with Angelo Deogracia; their relationship is getting shaky because of the happening between the two families; Angelo is not talking to Karel Marquez.

Apo is talking to Nadine Samonte to sign the papers which Nora Aunor did not acknowledge; to persuade Nadine Samonte, Apo told him that there is a plotted impeachment against Nora Aunor which also Nadine will be included because they are family, so Nadine Samonte signed the papers.

Alfonso Deogracias is talking to his staff regarding on a shipment which will arrived on their port.

On this episode you will witness that Joross slapped the face of Nadine Samonte because their relationship is getting nowhere.

Rosanna is talking to her conniver about the plan that Alfonso will be caught by the police about gun smuggling.

There is a pursuit between the vehicle of Alfonso Deogracias and the authority; an exchange of bullets.

Police invited Alfonso Deogracias to the precint for investigation, instead of cooperating with the authority, he is trying to escape by making a scene at the bar and went directly home, giving instruction that if the authority will ask about his where-abouts, just tell them that they do not know.

The authority went directly to the Deogracias residence looking for Alfonso regarding a complain to him. Nadine asked for a search warrant and the authority presented it to him.

They did not found Alfonso. The next day Nora Aunor carry out a checkpoint in every point of the province. Angelo was there to implement the checkpoint which Nadine Samonte is heavily against it because Alfonso is their brother.

Angelo went directly to their other house if Alfonso was there, and his hunch did not failed him he is there. They went to the attic and asking Angelo if he will be arrested.


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